Sunday, June 1, 2014

100-Word Sci-Fi: "The Red Border"

Every week, I write a hundred word story inspired by a random word. This week's word is "landscape."
Source: NASA
The Red Border
by Nigel G. Mitchell

The cry went up among the workers, "Immigration! Immigration!"

Thomas looked up from his terraformer to see a hovercraft descending from the red Martian sky. Other craft had already landed, and men in white enviro-suits rushed the other workers in the fields. Thomas turned to run, and saw a man in white standing in his way, gun at the ready.

"Don't move, blue," the man's speaker snapped.

Thomas held up his hands and let them slip the cuffs onto him.

As the immigration officers marched Thomas to the hovercraft, one officer snarled, "You're going back to Earth where you belong."

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