Tuesday, May 20, 2014

20 Awesome and Free Fonts For Sci-Fi Book Covers

When I decided to self-publish my books, I had to become a writer, editor, marketer, and even cover designer. The last one I've struggled the most with. Color schemes, fonts, stock photos, these are all things I've had to learn.  Fortunately, there are plenty of resources online, like this one: Derek Murphy at Creativindie created this info on some great fonts for genre-oriented covers. Here's the ones for sci-fi:

The only problem with this list is it includes both free fonts and licensed fonts where you need to pay to use it on commercial products like book covers. Of course, if the font strikes your fancy and you're willing to buy a license, go for it, but I'm cheap. So I spent an hour on Google and identified only twenty of the fonts that are in the public domain. Here they are. Click on the font names to find the fonts. If the link is broken, use Google:

Liberation Sans (I couldn't find a version that looked like the one in the picture, though)
Neuropol X
New Rocker
Nova Round
RNS Camelia
Sui Generis
Space Marine
Squada One
Six Caps
Star Next
Spin Cycle

The way this works is, look at the image to find a font you want, and then check the list to see if it's free. Or vice versa. A quick Google search for the font name will usually get you plenty of websites where you can download and start using them to make beautiful covers.

UPDATE: I was reluctant to include links, because things on the Internet change so much, but I decided to go ahead and do it.

Which font would you use?

Right now, I'm having a giveaway until 5/24/2014. Click here to win a free copy of my sci-fi novel, Operation: Masquerade.

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