Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What If No One Wants To Read It? #ISWG

This is my entry for the Insecure Writer's Group...

What if no one wants to read what you write? That's a question that's plagued me throughout my writing career to the point that I stopped writing altogether. I freely admit what I write isn't what most people write or even read; comedic sci-fi like Flying Saucers isn't a big genre, and Toons doesn't fit into any genre at all. At times, I've tried to write more conventional fiction. I've written genre fiction like straight-up sci-fi, thrillers, and even a disastrous attempt at romance. But my heart really leads me to write what I've never seen before. In the end, I decided to just write what I like to write, and hope my audience is out there. That's the great thing about self-publishing. I don't have to justify selling thousands of copies. Every sale of my experimental work is one person who wouldn't have seen it otherwise, and hopefully they get the same thrill out of seeing something new that I do.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a steampunk western with Lovecraftian horror to finish.

What do you think? Do you ever worry about finding your audience?

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